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prog 2024-25


Our programme for this academic year is available to book.
It features an enthralling mix of public lectures, Member-exclusive Fireside Chats and Behind-the-Scenes visits at Imperial and beyond!

Click here to explore the events and the Imperial stars...


If you are...

...fascinated by the latest scientific discoveries, awe of the next generation of space exploration,
...stunned by the future possibilities of medical research,
...astounded by where cutting-edge engineering projects could take us,
....excited by the next quantum generation,


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Friends organise public lectures and Member-exclusive events exploring extraordinary discoveries and developments taking place at Imperial College London - with the very people making them!

Reaching for the stars

Friends 2024-25 programme launched

Explore extraordinary discoveries taking place at Imperial College London with Friends!

Our enthralling programme for this academic year offers a great choice of events for everyone - including in-person public lectures and talks, FREE Member-exclusive online Fireside Chats and Behind-the-Scenes visits.


Imperial's Quest

Sign up for our Friends e-news

If you want to learn from leading figures in their fields, hear about the latest research and results from world-class academics - then Friends is for you!

Subscribe to our e-newsletter and be the first to hear about additional events launched across the year, date reminders for the 2024-25 programme, plus new recordings available on our YouTube channel.

History of the Antarctic event

Benefit as a Member of Friends

Whilst everyone is welcome to book for in-person lectures at Imperial, Membership of Friends - from only £25 per year - gives you access to so much more.

From exclusive Behind-the-Scenes events at Imperial and beyond, to FREE online Fireside Chats with experts, from reduced ticket prices for in-person lectures for you and your guests - Membership is worth it!

AI and robotics
QE event

Past programmes of events

Our annual programme of public and exclusive Member events over the years have featured lectures from exceptional Imperial speakers, visits to leading-edge laboratories and research facilities at Imperial and beyond! See the full range in our archive HERE.

You can also view a selection of recording of previous virtual Fireside Chats and lectures on our Youtube channel.

Free tickets for schools at in-person lectures

We have a number of free school tickets for each of our public lectures at Imperial. A teacher can bring a group, up to a maximum of 10 students; students can book themselves by simply providing us with the name of the school but, if they are aged 16 or under, must be accompanied by a teacher.

Sign up to get e-news of these lectures and book early as tickets are limited.

Donate to Friends

We are reliant on in-person event revenue therefore our income was depleted throughout the pandemic. We wanted to continue providing world-class speakers for everyone during this time and changed to live streamed events, but this had an impact on our funds.

To set up further programmes, we need your support to provide a wealth of knowledge for a further year. We do hope you can help Friends!

We often run additional events to the current programme over the year so make sure you sign-up for Friends e-news to hear about these as they are added.

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