Behind-the-scenes @ RAL Space & Satellite Applications Catapult

RALSpace BTS visit

Exclusively for Members and their guests

As part of this exclusive visit to the Satellite Applications Catapult at Harwell, there will be a special tour of the RAL Space facilities.


hosts and speakers info

event abstract and content

The Satellite Applications Catapult

The Satellite Applications Catapult is one of a network of UK technology and innovation companies which aim to drive economic growth through the commercialisation of research. Their aim is to support UK industry by accelerating the growth of satellite applications and to contribute to capturing a 10% share of the global space market predicted by 2030.

They are achieving this by exploiting the innovation potential in the UK industrial and academic communities, by being a focal point where small and medium enterprises, large industry and end users can work together with researchers to challenge barriers, explore and develop new ideas, and bring these to commercial reality.

RAL Space

RAL Space carries out an exciting range of world-class space research and technology development. They have significant involvement in over 200 space missions and are at the forefront of UK Space Research.

Working alongside the UK Space Agency, RAL Space undertake world-leading space research and technology development. They provide space test and ground-based facilities, design and build instruments, analyse and process data and operate S- and X-band ground-station facilities, as well as lead conceptual studies for future missions. They also work with space and ground-based groups around the world.

This event is part of an exclusive programme of in-person visits for Members. Each event gives Members of Friends of Imperial College and their guest’s unique access to facilities and research departments with our Behind-the-Scenes events in Imperial and beyond!

If you are already a Member you are welcome to book tickets below for you and your guest. Your confirmation email will act as your ticket and a full event itinerary, travel suggestions and any current covid event guigelines will be sent to you nearer to the event date.

If you are not a Member and would like to book for this event, as well as enjoying the wide range of other benefits annual Membership brings, visit the 'Join Friends' page here

Simply book a Membership from only £25 per annum, and then book a ticket or two from the list below. 

Due to their very nature, places at these exclusive events are limited in number so do book early for these!

This is a past event.
  • The Satellite Applications Catapult
  • Harwell Campus, Didcot
  • Oxfordshire OX11 0QR

Event Schedule

  • 16 February 2022 11:30 am   -   3:00 pm
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