Imperial Tech Foresight and the 2041 Scenarios

2041 Scenarios

Fireside Chat exclusively for Members and their guests

The Imperial Tech Foresight team took us behind-the-scenes to learn about their work and making-of-journey with one of their recent projects - the 2041 Scenarios Computation, Energy, and the Planet.


Many people speculate on the future but how do large organisations grapple with the problem when there are so many possibilities?

The answer is through foresight, structured thinking about the future. Rather than just one future, for example ongoing energy paucity and inequality, foresight looks at other possibilities.  Other possibilities such as energy abundance and the implications of that to people’s lives and even geopolitics

Imperial Tech Foresight (ITF) is a specialist team in the Imperial Enterprise Division that helps existing and potential Business Partners think about the long-term future.

In this fireside chat, we heard from ITF about where they sit within the thought architecture of Imperial College London, learnt about their work, and took a behind-the-scenes / making-of-journey into one of their recent projects the 2041 Scenarios Computation, Energy, and the Planet.

Exclusively for Members of Friends and their guests, Fireside Chats are part of the annual Membership benefits. These live streamed events are held on the occasional Friday afternoon @ 4pm, featuring more of a short presentation or talk, an informal chat and Q&A with the audience.


This is a past event.

Event Schedule

  • 9 December 2022 4:00 pm   -   5:00 pm
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